Sign Dedication
Sunday, March 26, 2017 we dedicated our sign. Many people gave money, their time, and efforts to the vision of our sign. The sign is a marker for our church. The sign takes us from being the warehouse building to the “hey.. its a church”. Bishop Daniel Hampton, West Virginia State Overseer was with us in service to dedicate our sign.
The sign isn’t just an indicator of who we are but it is a messenger board. Our sign will be a board that sends messages to everyone who will look our way.

Chili Cookoff 2017
Chili Cook Off Golden Spoon Challenge 2017 Another year in the books with Ablaze Youth's Golden Spoon Chili Cook off Challenge. We had 5 entries this
Ash Wednesday: The Holiday You Won’t Find a Card For
Ash Wednesday: The Holiday With No Cards Ash Wednesday is normally a part of tradition that most people look as something that the Catholics do
Ash Wednesday
Tomorrow is the community Ash Wednesday service. The service will be hosted at our church. Important times for tomorrow: Choir Practice @ 5PM Meatless Dinner @ 6PM
Winterfest is upon us!
Winterfest! For many years Fountain of Life Worship Center has attended Winterfest. From a young age Winterfest has been the year long highlight of mine. When