For many years Fountain of Life Worship Center has attended Winterfest. From a young age Winterfest has been the year long highlight of mine. When I was a student I recount going to Winterfest and experiencing God for the first time. Many kids experience God for the first time or even receive salvation for the first time.
Winterfest is a time of refreshing for many students who don’t get to get out of WV or have time to spend with students their own age. Winterfest is also a time of refreshing for many of our youth and adult leaders as well.
We have been raising money for the past few months and I want to personally think each person who bought donuts (even if they don’t like donuts), supported our dinners, or any other contribution you may have had. It means the world to our students. It means the world to me as well. At roughly $200 per person to attend Winterfest there is no way that all of the students attending would be able to go without your donations.
David Bowling
Youth Pastor
Verse of the day | #folwc
via Instagram https://ift.tt/2E7jB9s
Winterfest 2018
Winterfest is a great time for our teens and adult volunteers. This year God showed up in a big way and changed many of our students
Kids Play Songs Playlist
Kids Play Songs are below.
Psalms 68:19 |#VOTD | #Verseoftheday | #folwc |
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2i17MsX
Give Thanks | 1 Chronicles 16:34 |#VOTD | #Verseoftheday | #folwc
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2AGqOjB
Give Thanks | We are Grateful and Blessed | FOLWC Family | #folwc |
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2zuzIjT